National Securities Analysis (NSA) is nationwide securities analysis firm with unmatched experience in the analysis of investment accounts to determine whether the account has been handled appropriately and consistent with applicable industry rules and regulations. If after analysis by NSA it is determined that the account has not been handled appropriately, NSA will recommend an appropriate strategy to recover the losses. Such strategies can include a formal written explanation by the investment firm, referral to appropriate state or federal regulatory authorities or institution of formal legal proceedings, typically at the regional office of Financial Industry National Regulatory Authority (FINRA). NSA can assist the client in formulating and pursuing each recovery strategy. In the event of the filing of an arbitration at FINRA pursuant to the standard arbitration provision found in virtually all investment accounts, NSA can provide a written account analysis, a damage analysis or expert testimony at trial.      


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  • February 15, 2010 - Website Up and Running

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